Thursday 26 September
6pm - 7.30pm
In conversation: Paddy Bloomer and Dan Shipsides with Garrett Carr
A collaboration between PS2 and OGU for Belfast 2024 on Drift (at Ravenhill Reach)
In conversation: Paddy Bloomer and Dan Shipsides with Garrett Carr
Drift (moored on the river Lagan at Ravenhill Reach)
Thursday 26 September, 6pm
Join artist-boatbuilders Paddy Bloomer and Dan Shipsides for this illustrated in conversation event, moderated by writer, artist, map-maker and River Lagan enthusiast Garrett Carr. The event will take place on Belfast 2024’s Drift - a floating pavilion designed by OGU Architects in collaboration with MMAS and sound artist Matilde Meireles - which will be docked along the river at Ravenhill Reach.
As with our Belfast 2024 project WATER WORKS, Drift seeks to ‘facilitate the examination of existing and possible relationships between people and water… engaging with the river’s historical significance and cultural identity’.
Please note: space on Drift is sheltered but unheated so please dress for the outdoor temperature. For information on accessibility, please consult the Drift website:
Tickets are free but capacity is limited. Book your free ticket here.