Thursday, 01 September, 6-9pm
Opening hours
Wed-Fri 1-5pm, Sat 11am-3pm + culture night, 5-10pm
Go girl
An Exhibition
Catherine McLaughlin, Abbie Madden, Aimee Harkin, Alice Kearney, Anna Brogan, Audrey Gillespie, Ciara McMullan, Elizabeth McGeown, Jayne Harkness Bones, Louise Elizabeth Tweed, Megan Dallat, Rhea Hanlon, Robyn Lakes, Rosie Haghighi, Cheylene Murphy. Curated by Catherine McLaughlin.
Ends 17 September 2016
As the school year starts again, it feels as if PS² replicates the hustle and bustle of a crowded school yard, packed with energy and excitement. And to stick with this analogy: it’s an all-girl school.
Fifteen young, female creatives from Belfast and Derry, all part of the Go Girl group, fill the space with paintings, drawings, photography and objects.
A group show with a clear drive, unsolicited and wild, dreamy and political.
Not that this is a new generation of the Guerrilla Girls, who started in the mid 80’s to expose sexism, racism and corruption in politics and culture.
The Go Girls are tamer. In a time when feminism seems passé, yet obstacles and disadvantages for women towards an equal society are still prevalent, every initiative to demonstrate and campaign for equal inclusion is great.
Go Girl as a grass roots collective of creatives from different disciplines, offer mutual support and organises eye-catching projects, realising feminist agendas in a very practical and, in this case, visually very fresh way.

Go Girl: Statement
We are a collaborative community of young creatives based in Belfast and Derry who believe in feminism, opportunity and inclusion. We believe in nurturing a network where women are understood, respected and supported in their individual endeavours. This network opens a dialogue between young women in our city who wish to collaborate, share and create in an environment which allows for freedom of expression without reprimand. We are creating a space of increasingly diverse creative activity in Belfast and beyond and beginning to showcase our talents and ambitions through art, music, theatre and design. This is a mixed media exploration of our work and collaborative efforts, an explosion of everything we are and hope to represent. All Go Girls are invited to participate, we revolt against the elitist sentiments which prohibit easy entry into the art world and instead allow all of our girls to come and share in a celebration of what we stand for.
We are Go Girl.
01 September: performance
To listen to an interview by John D'Arcy with Go Girls (Catherine McLaughlin, Abbie Madden and Cheylene Murphy) on The Jewel Case broadcasts, (Tuesdays at 8pm on Lisburn’s 98FM, Bangor FM and FM105 Down Community Radio), click here.